HealthFerm is proud to be part of a cluster of EU funded projects under the joint name Microbes4SustainableFoods (M4SF). The founding members of this cluster comprise the following projects: HealthFerm, DOMINO, TRIBIOME, WHEATBIOME and PIMENTO Cost Action. In October 2024, two new projects joined the cluster as associated members: MICROBIOMES4SOY and MICROBE. Together, these projects share a commitment to advance sustainable food systems, health and environmental resilience through the study of microbiomes along food system value chains.
M4SF collaboratively produces outcomes such as joint dissemination activities, including workshops, events, online webinars and social media awareness campaigns. The cluster works on the following objectives:
- Unveiling the health benefits of fermented foods and their influence on the human gut microbiome, offering the promise of nutritionally enhanced and microbiome-friendly dietary choices.
- Enhancing the dual impact of human wellbeing and environmental sustainability.
- Elevating Europe as a standing leader in microbial foods with regional diversity and local food production.
- Showing the potential of wheat microbiome’s potential by modulating soil-plant microbiomes and promoting circular economy processes, uniting the stakeholders along the entire food value chain.
For more information about M4SF, please have a read through our brochure:
M4SF Video
Projects of the M4SF cluster
Founding projects

Associated projects